+61 432 429 789

I'm a young software engineer wishing to continue my career as a web developer where skills in database systems, data processing and mathematical training can be used, with special interest in frontend development and management systems (e.g. e-commerce, finance).


Skiddoo 2014-10-01 —

Software Engineer

Skiddoo has the largest selection of the lowest airfares anywhere.


  • Currently implementing the frontend for a built-from-scratch responsive site.

Zanui 2013-01-01 — 2014-10-01

Software Engineer

Zanui is an online destination for furniture and homewares. They provide consumers with stylish new products for home, inspiration and ideas for home decoration.


  • Participated in the front end and back end development of their online site including a built from scratch mobile version using AngularJS and Symfony 2.
  • Developed their order tracking page which has consistently been in the top 10 visited pages of the site.

JIG Internet Consulting S.L. 2012-04-01 — 2012-10-01

Software Engineer

JIG Advance Solutions is a multidisciplinary company focusing on e-commerce and mobile applications.


  • Participated in a number of projects working on front end (including rich animations) and back end development.
  • Created a custom SOAP client in PHP to generate dynamic cacheable listings on demand.

Ingeniería e Innovación S.L. 2010-05-01 — 2012-03-01

Developer & Innovation Consultant

Ingeniería e Innovación provides integrated and coordinated management of regional, national and European innovation and R&D projects.


  • Developed a human resource management tool for R&D projects in PHP and MySQL that managed information of more than 50 client companies and saved the company up to 10 hours per project.

University of La Rioja 2006-09-01 — 2011-06-01

Technical Engineer in Administrative Data Processing

University of Technology Sydney 2009-02-01 — 2009-11-01

Maths and Computer Science
Exchange Undergraduate

University of La Rioja 2006-09-01 — 2009-06-01

Degree in Mathematics (Withdrawn in good stanging.)

International Baccalaureate Diploma

Awarded 2006-05-01
by International Baccalaureate
The IB is a two-year educational programme primarily aimed at students aged 16–19. The program is one that provides an internationally accepted qualification for entry into higher education, and is accepted by many universities worldwide.

Web Development

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • Grunt/Gulp
  • npm/Bower
Native speaker